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Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Salute to The Colorful Traveler

Airports, Bus stations, Train stations, etc.  These are all places where people feel the need to umm...get comfy.  Now let's start by saying I don't really like no, I strongly dislike it when people wear PJ's or nightwear to an airport.  You know it's stronger than a dislike it's an .....aversion if you will.  Not to the people expressing themselves all over the 3 butt cheek sized sweats but to the general idea of 'oh I can look good once I get there.'  Newsflash I can almost guarantee you that more eyes will be seeing you in this airport than wherever your destination may be. what do we do?  We go against the norms...we go..RAINBOW and we travel in style  

Hard to beat a pair of street shoes with more color and funk than the entirety of 'Dora the Explorer's World'
This bicolored woolly mammoth of a coat has got more spunk than those ill fitting pants and more fluffy goodness than could ever fit in an ugg.

SO next time you travel take the 5 extra minutes required to slap some actual clothes.  Maybe try a hint of what these iconoclasts are suggesting, because after all no one really wants to see those jammies....even at cruising altitude.

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